Wednesday 30 March 2011


scheduled meeting with Jane my supervisor cancelled because i cant find my hard drive, what are the chances.

need to keep my head above water while all these stresses are on me and get through this..

anyone wanna help....=)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Just Finished - Getting stressed

That's me done for the night, really tired.

Got a meeting this week with my supervisor and feeling a little behind so stress is kicking in now.....

Filming is going well i guess and got an interview done already, went OK!!

I feel like the emotional attachment i have to this project is starting to take its tole on me physically. I want it to be good so bad that im doing my nut over it. constantly thinking, thinking, thinking. I've had about at least 1 headache a day for about 3-4 weeks now...

gotta calm down..........

Friday 25 March 2011


Got great news today about funding for my project from the/my uni and a confirmation on a group meeting I've been trying to arrange with some mixed people, kind of debate style thing.

love good news, don't you........!

Tuesday 22 March 2011


My Panasonic tm900 is finally here. Just looking through the manual and getting used to it but what a piece on equipment this camera is.

Ill give an update once I've done some filming, really looking forward to using it.
if everything goes to plan I've got a video shoot slash interview this weekend and the documentary is rolling. =)

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Things keep going well then a set back comes along, then i sort the set back and things are cool again. I'm always waiting for the next thing to go wrong and its getting worrying and annoying....

Please lord, plain sailing form here on.....

Saturday 5 March 2011

Thank You Lord..

And i really do mean thank you lord, the man above has come through for me and the financial help i was hoping for has come through. YES!!!!

I'm now look to get my editing suit and camera sorted out as quick as possible, just need to find the best deals i can.

Also got some confirmations on some of my interviewees so that's good news also. project wise its been a good week although I've been moving and decorating this week so didn't get much work done=(

Positives not negatives anyway!!!!!!